July 02, 2019
One of Our Service Areas Among the Top 3 States For Retiring Seniors
In 2017, the Baby Boomer generation passed a median age of 53. This means that a great number of that cohort have entered the 60-plus age range, putting them at or just below the age of retirement. The result of this is that the median age of Americans is presently at the highest age it has ever been (whereas in 2007 the national median age was 36.7, in 2017 it was 38.1, and that number has only grown since). And the median household age has risen right alongside, reaching 52 in 2017. This has a lot to do with the many advancements in medical science that have increased the average American life-span, as well as birth rates falling off in the wake of the Great Recession—Generation X and older Millennials put off having children because of economic stressors, which resulted in many of them not having children at all.
According to a March study by Rent Café, which took a look at the habitation habits for that 22 percent of Americans over age 60, the cities with the oldest populations are all popular retirement spots. Among the oldest 30 cities, the median age is over 39.6, and most are retirement cities in our service area of Florida (which contains a full 12 of these cities), California, and Arizona.
It’s no surprise that Florida ranks as a retirement hotspot—nor should it shock anyone to know that most of these cities are warm cities where winter is all but nonexistent. Cold, snowy winters are hard on the human body, and (in America at least) tend to result in a diminishing of the social activities that are key to senior wellbeing.
The Florida cities with the highest concentration of seniors (falling in the top ten cities on the list) are:
Cape Coral, at number 1, with a median population age of 47.9; Hialeah, at number 2, with a median population age of 46.5; Pompano Beach, at number 4, with a median age of 45.5; St. Petersburg, at number 6, with a median age of 44.8; and Port St. Lucie, where the median age is 43.3.
If you’re a Boomer looking to retire to Florida, you should call us to help with your closing. At Topouzis & Associates, P.C., we are experts at ferreting out and disposing with problems that may occur with property title in advance of closing. We take pride in the great amount and quality of experience we bring to the closing table in Florida, as well as in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Contact us if you want a partner in your property closing—one who makes everyone involved feel like family.